Terms & Conditions of Entry


  1. Condition of Participation:
    1. Firearms Licence Requirement:
      1. If you are over sixteen (16) years of age, you are the holder of a current New Zealand Firearms Licence with a ‘B’ Endorsement and/or a current New Zealand Visitor’s Firearms Licence,
      2. If you are under sixteen (16) years of age, you are accompanied by and will be participating under the supervision of a holder of a current New Zealand Firearms Licence holder with a ‘B’ Endorsement and/or a current New Zealand Visitor’s Firearms Licence. (In either case, either a standard or a visitor’s Firearms Licence is acceptable.)
      3. With prior approval, you are accompanied by and will be participating under the supervision of a holder of a current New Zealand Firearms Licence holder with a ‘B’ Endorsement.
      4. At the registration for this event you (or your supervisor, if you are under sixteen (16) years of age) will be required to produce your original New Zealand Firearms Licence and/or a current New Zealand Visitor’s Firearms Licence. If you do not do so, you will be unable to participate in the event.
    2. Pistol New Zealand Membership Requirement:
      1. If you are the holder of a New Zealand Firearms Licence, you must be a current financial member of Pistol New Zealand.
    3. IPSC Membership Requirement:
      1. If you are the holder of a New Zealand Firearms Licence and a current financial member of Pistol New Zealand, you must also be a current financial member of IPSC with Pistol New Zealand.
      2. If you are the holder of a Visitor’s Firearms Licence, you must be a current financial member of IPSC in your region.
        1. At the sole discretion of the New Zealand Regional Director, a letter from the Regional Director of your IPSC region may be required to confirm your status within the region.
      3. You agree to abide with the Hosting Clubs’ Range Standing Orders, the Match Organisers updating these conditions of entry and the Match Organisers decisions.
  2. Refusal of a Participant’s Entry to this Event:
    1. If the club/match committee receives a complaint in writing (Complaints cannot be anonymous, unless very good reasons are given to the club/match committee for the identity of the complainant to be kept private) on any matter that relates to entry of a match, the club/match committee will:
      1. Establish the seriousness and validity of the complaint, and will assign a match sub-committee to further investigate the complaint and report back.
      2. If valid and reasonable, the committee will write to the person outlining details of the rejection of entry, who, what, why, when, and how, and produce any evidence received or any investigation report made. This should occur within forty-eight (48) hours of their entry being received.
      3. The letter will indicate any breaches of the club rules and give them a copy of those rules.
      4. The club committee will ask for a response in writing within five (5) days (and no later than forty-eight (48) hours before the start of the match) and/or to appear in person in front of the match committee to answer the allegations made. The letter will indicate that if no response is received within five (5) days (and no later than forty-eight (48) hours before the start if the match) then the match committee will make a decision based on the evidence it has before it.
      5. The match committee will then make a decision citing reasons and an assessment of the evidence before it, referring both to the complaint and any explanation from the affected person and send this decision in writing back to the affected person.
      6. The person affected will have a right of appeal to have the matter reviewed by an independent person assigned from another club if needed.
      7. The decision will have reasons as to why the person is being excluded from the event and this decision will then be final. Should the decision be made that the person can partake of the event then no late entry fees will be charged. The participant will have a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours’ notice that they may attend the event.
  3. Match Entry and Withdrawal:
    1. Entry and Payment:
      1. Match entry and payment for this event is online only. (There will be no paper entries.),
      2. Standard: NZ$ 60.00 – Payment and Entry received on or before 5.00pm – Monday, 21st September10th 2020.
      3. New Zealand Super Juniors / Juniors: Fifty per centum (50%) of the above Match Fees – Payment and Entry received as per the above dates.
    2. Pre-Match:
      1. The Pre-Match is reserved exclusively for Match Officials, IPSC Patrons and Match Sponsors, all of whom shall be confirmed by the Match Director along with the New Zealand Regional Director as being IPSC qualified competitors. Unless otherwise approved by the New Zealand Regional Director in writing, no other competitor shall be permitted to shoot the pre-match.
    3. Withdrawals and refunds: A competitor may withdraw in writing from the competition anytime, however there will be no refunds. (No exceptions).
    4. Maximum number of entries: Whilst there is no maximum number of entries, the Match Organisers may, at its sole discretion,
      1. increase the number of competitors per squad, and/or
      2. amend the start time of the match, and/or
      3. amend the number of stages to be shot per day, and/or
      4. convert the match into a “lost brass” match.
  4. Squadding:
    1. Competitors under sixteen (16) years of age, participating under the supervision of a holder of a current New Zealand Firearms Licence and/or New Zealand Visitor’s Firearms Licence will be squadded together.
    2. In all other instances, squadding is at the sole discretion of the Match Director and requests will not be accepted from competitors.
  5. Communication:
    1. All official communication for this event must be via the dedicated email and addressed to the Match Director, and
    2. Communication received via social media or any other means will not be responded to.
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